miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

¿where is the project going to be developed?
R// first perfom the query on the internet, the share among oursel ves and define our ideas as close as possible to the home of these genres

¿how are you doing your projects?
R// in the same way we share our ideas ask the opinion of others who help us focus the question

¿what do you want to achieve?
R// we eant to know about these genres since they are wrapped much of our youth


1-Is a native dominican dance deat, considered a hybrid of bolero with other influences of african and other styles such as son, merengue of digitalized forms of music and the introduction of air and other instruments

The previous bachata at 80, while apppealing to the sense that she had given birth as expressions  of olve, heartbreak, nostalgia and the proposed lifestyles. At this stage, the company disappears completely and the guarachita station and the figure of the entrepreneur and prometer o international art and artists of bachata decome popular phenomena

2- is a musical genre and culture, developed by latin musicians of caribe origin, which has the fallowing characteristics:

  • Rhythm
  • Melody
  • Harmony
  • Istrumentation
the salsa, was propelled by musical influences from various styles native cubans, as the danzon, guaracha, guaguanco, mambo, cha cha, and son montuno, indistinguishable to must people